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random thoughts from the leather bound book

A collection of thoughts written down over the years. I think it may be interesting to see how shit some of these takes are, or how the thoughts may have developed over the years. Or even if I still agree with myself on them. What do you think?

No matter what happens, there will never not be a rich/poor disparity.

Why is that? Because humans are naturally different - smarter, stronger, better or worse temperament, etc. - and as reprehensible as that might sound, that'll be the truth for as long as humans and diversity exist. And this fact is the same reason why jobs will have the same amount of diversity and skill requirements. Some jobs are ore taxing, exhausting than others, some have perks, like esteem and fame, which boost their superficial value. (Though, those, too, vary by talent.) So, then, they will all be paid more or less, and with or without fair and just taxation, will all have, inevitably, one group with a significantly higher amount of funds leftover than another group. These differences can never truly be "fairly" dealt with. Some argue that it's to even out pay/salary, though, that's not even exactly fair, as some people are working harder than others or have some kind of significance in shaping culture and society, such as roducers of media and icons that shape world views via humor, ideas, feelings, and community streamlined directly to their fanbases (and the fanbases' counter cultures.) So, even even salary can't be a solution.

Perhaps that's a problem brought on by Capitalism, though, it's one that has yet to be solved.


Everybody praises the confident person in many situations. 'Be confident" is the mantra of millions of people in the world. But truly, confidence may be one of the easiest emotions to feign. It's vain, yet inspiring. But worry, second guessing, that's real. It means you care, you're unsure, you don't want to feed misinformation. But it is, for the most part, rejected, avoided, like pain. Worry and pain are elements that come together to help form the base of the "negative" force of the human spirit, the "evil" of the human condition. But within it is good, if reflected upon, as it can be learned from.

yin/yang lmao


Because I theorize that people are always only looking for new things (be it material or experience), I would think that people's purpose IS to keep learning, expanding, growing.

This ties back to Fibonacci, The Myth of Sisyphus, and the theory that we are in a simulation.

[Editor's note: Huh? How exactly does that compute? Possibly with how this mathematical equation keeps coming up naturally in nature, from things as small as plants to things as big as hurricanes and to epics like our galaxy. Fibonacci sequence can also be expanded ad infinitum.

The experience Sisyphus goes through in Eternity is an endless loop, and each time the rock goes up the hill, he learns more, or gains more strength, it becomes easier over time, as it also gets harder temporarily, in the way the exercises go (i.e his muscles get weak and tired, the next time he rolls the rock up it's a little harder, but over an infinite amount of time, his muscle gain is a net profit). This is the same in learning, with the learning curve.

Also, simulation theory, blah blah blah, but if you look at the theory, it's actually a pretty goddamn high chance that we already do live within one of the loops of the simulation. At least 50%, which is higher than you'd initially think. Even Neil DeGrasse Tyson agreed that it's possible, though he kept a pretty ambiguous answer. (Either we don't live in one yet, that is, we must make the simulation, or, we have made the simulation, which we currently reside in, and it is destined to be that we will make a simulation within the simulation, though, it's currently impossible to really tell how many loops deep we are. So basically, he doesn't know. But the probability is quite high.) But, there'd really be no use in making a simulation if there's no point to it, I mean, for the most part, simulations are built and designed for research. So, within this simulation designed for research, and at some point of time, leisure, it makes sense that the purpose of entities within the simulation is to do things, to learn, so that the data can be harvested and used. Almost like AI and machine learning robots being used to produce data about our universe, and art.]

_______________________________ The feeling of using Logic to prove things in Philosophy is comparable to the feeling you get from running a successful scientific experiment. For example, in Mythbusters (R.I.P. Grant Imahara), they slowly build concepts and SHOW people applied proofs, which is essentially the informal proof (the formal proof would be the mathematics and design that go behind the scenes to make the practically built machines work). Each experiment is a controlled set of premises, and the result is, intuitively, the conclusion. It's like a big argument.


Choose allegiances wisely.

Claim yourself to be indifferent to the desires of the whole. To be truly independent, work to cut ties with society.


Sometimes, it seems as if I've already died, and am just reliving/experiencing life and it's horrors and highlights. It's an inexplicable, almost continuous and conscious sense of déjà vu that I feel, and it feels as if I can predict that which is about to happen before it has. Is this an emotional manifestation of a glitch in time and consciousness?


"Tyranny of the Empty Room."


Logic is like de-tangling hair. You can start from the end to reach the root. You can start from the root and reach the end. One way is just more tedious and painful than the other, but they both still suck and take a long time.


I love to be told I am wrong. It's a challenge and an opportunity for mutual growth through honest discourse. Though, not many other people like arguing as much as I.


If you seek to be successful, do not seek to make money. Seek to improve upon yourself and your talents. Money will come, the art will speak for itself.


Life is an elaborate Logic problem. Everything follows a ruleset, those of which that were created by Nature. There is nothing to say what they are, we discover them through logic, trial, and error. Figuring out what rules are, challenging human-made ideals and conclusions is what we are actively doing. Human discord is created by the superimposition of human rules and our perceptions about them. To say that there are no inherent rules because we cannot perceive them is both ignorant and misjudged. Also, denying the antecedent?

The claim: "If there are inherent rules to Nature, then we can logically define them."

And we can, thus, there are inherent rules in Nature. Once you've learned and refined Logic, you've all the tools you need to derive truth, challenging old ideas, to be creative and find another way. When there is no other way, not by perception, but by Logic, that is when the work of the Philosopher will be done. (And that'll never really happen.) We are building upon ourselves to find the explanation of the Singularity, which we thought introspectively to find. (This is one reason why I find the letter "i" to be so interesting... 1 under the point, trying to reconnect to the point. Once capitalized.... "I". Reconnected to truth, the singularity.) It's about bridging that gap (between your perception and the perception of others' truths). The whole of this letter describes humanity better than any other concept I have thought of, even encapsulating the mystery of itself. The meaning of "I" is to refer to the self, the human.


Pain is a superior teacher to one than satisfaction, it's opposite. (The inbetween in neutrality, paralyzing. You reach physical neutrality upon death, or ego death.)

Pain is this way because it emparts something nagging that bothers us more than joy, it sticks out better within the memory. No wonder corporal punishment, the concept of authority, dominance, and submission caught on so well. It teaches. But it's not always the right way, it must be used with reservation.

Reminds me of Whiplash... "There are no two words in the English language more harmful than "good job." -Fletcher (


If somebody has contributed greatly to society, or will ave the possibility to do so, then their death is not without meaning.

If someone has affected the world positively, then it doesn't mean that they are incapable of bad.

Conversely, if someone has affected the world negatively, then it doesn't mean they are not capable of good.

>affects the view of the death penalty, death, political leaders, influencers, coma, the moments that lead up to death.


"You interest me, K, more than most people have interested me. You've left a strong impression, and what you've got to say and think has a lot of meaning to me. I think that it's important that I try again, but genuinely this time. I will only ever know if I spend more time with you and get to know you better. Otherwise, it leaves too much to speculation. And writing paints a misrepresentation of who someone is or was in that single moment, not who they are in the present. Additionally, our perception of the writer affects this. "Never idolize your heroes," or "Never meet your heroes." You may be disappointed in what you thought they were."


Emotion manifests from conscious and unconscious thought. Identifying those thoughts is the key to identifying the cause. Identifying the cause is key to identifying the meaning, reason, problem, and solution. Acceptance brings about change. Logic affirms or denies a belief, not the other way around. Be understanding of how the obvious can elude people based on perception. Theoretical physicists to not find philosophy interesting in their free time because it is trivial; it is foundational to finding truths. What they prove with mathematics ties into philosophy and vic-versa (like a bi-conditional.) They just spend the bulk of their time on the commonly accepted "scientific" side. But Philosophers could be said to be more important for the layman... they specialize in how to live, what it means to live, why we are to live.How is that unimportant?

Reminds me of a quote... "Everything has been figured out... except how to live." -Jean-Paul Sartre _______________________________

I think people are more philosophical when they are drunk because their judgements are impaired, allowing other, (sometimes more rational), judgment in. Thus, they are overwritten. But a sober person is a steel trap, generally. Stubborn.

That's also why being drunk is dangerous. Normalize not drinking. Doesn't mean be sober, just chill.


$uicideboy$ lyric:

"It's best if y'all didn't assume

that he is destined for imminent doom

unless he is ready to get in the tomb."

Unless "he" is actually about to commit suicide, i.e., gun in hand, rope tied, etc.

Don't assume every path he takes will lead to self destruction, for if there is a will, there is a way.


A long time ago, while speaking about the perceived emotionless state that Stoicism supposedly incurred, Tim refuted that one would then essentially become a computer.

I think that, regardless, we are computers. Stoicism isn't about having a lack of emotion, but processing it more rationally, thus producing rational conclusions. In that sense, we are computers, rather, the computer is us, without emotion. We are computers of emotion.


The "move back three spaces" card in Monopoly is the most underrated card, because it teaches you that you need to move backwards to move forwards sometimes.


In all my years, never have I heard a tragedy worse than that of religion (maybe R&J lol).

In the case God is real, many of us are doomed. In the case that he isn't, blasted be the wars we've waged for Him, for the sake of a false deity. For that, we've already doomed ourselves.

For the few fortunate, I applaud you for your good will and nature.


What is reflection? What is the reason reflection can cause such strong emotions of anxiety, or nostalgia? What is the meaning of a dream, a hope, an aspiration?

In these, are we sort of recreating the past, or continuing on our current future?

Do we dream of things we don't have?

Do we think of things, or see things that we want to do and then decide we want to do them, creating a dream?

What differentiates a simple desire from a dream?

Does anything differentiate them?

What is the strength of a dream?


I'm not the only, nor first or last, person to simply learn how to pick up on or learn how to use cues to determine good actions to take in response to them. That's just being a person. Why am I anxious about that? It's also not a bad thing to make inferences (strong inferences) to link known behavior and possible human reaction to create possible solutions.


Will language ever completely and accurately describe things?

Can the visualization of a thing and the description of a thing ever be so closely matched that one can perfectly recreate a thing described within the mind without ever seeing it?

Will you ever have the ability to know, in full, the brain of a person who has died through their writing and journals?

Is there an infinite numbers of questions?


Do not do something in order to gain something, do it to make change.

Payment of any sort (be it respect, knowledge, money, material things, happiness) comes after the fact.

The expectation of payment is not a reasonable view, as payments are the product of the quality of the change, not if you have made that change in the first place. i.e. your payment will be poor is the quality of the change is poor. Your payment will be great is the quality of the change is great.

For example, in learning, you cannot simply retain knowledge from making the environmental change of going to a school, or making the intellectual change of having read a book, or studying. You have to study well, accepting the knowledge of that subject, grappling with it, to be paid with adequate knowledge of the subject. Simply studying doesn't guarantee retention.

It may be easier to see it as a painting: If you pay an artist to paint a mural, it is not enough for them to have just painted any mural. They must have painted a quality mural t the standards of the employer to receive adequate payment for the work. Good mural = Good payment, and poor mural = poor payment.


Writing is nice because I can have the time to fully think though what I say, and thus, what I do.

Writing, for the most part, shows true intent, to the extent of understanding (bad reads exist).

What it doesn't always offer is proper correction. A dead author cannot simply be asked, "What does this bit mean?" The author is the first, perhaps only, person to very truly understand their own work.


The reason to me that an "expert's" opinion on something is near meaningless (though good to consider, always), why all humans are my peers, is because even though someone is an expert, it doesn't mean they can't be wrong.

As a broken clock is only accurate twice a day, a working clock can always break.


Is there any connection between the experiments conducted to break the psyche like MK Ultra and the modern schooling system?


The problem can not lie in simply one piece of a corrupted system... once one piece is tainted, it all is tainted, especially when the pieces all were meant to work in conjunction as both self sufficient pieces, and ones that provide mutual survival, checks, and balances.


Nothing has actual inherent value.

Value is assigned to an object or thing when a given party demands it, to the given party that demands it, by the given parties that control it. A party that holds power above another party can demand and enforce a value of a thing, for it has power/leverage over the other party to use.

The actual value is still nothing, but it's perceived value changes.

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